and Other Stories

23 Stories: Short Fiction by

ISBN: 1-890834-32-7
220 pages, 15 photographs

Stand Man Cover
23 literate, human, funny, diverse, and sexy stories! All reader-tested in Honcho, Drummer, In Touch, The James White Review, Bear....

"Fritscher is the Master of Gay Literature!" --Larry Townsend, The Leatherman's Handbook. Actually, Jack Fritscher leads the avant garde of daring, elegant, dirty gay writing style. No storyteller writes with more action, character, dialog, ploy and just plain exuberant, gutsy glee in the word of the English language.

REVIEWS of Stand By Your Man

"Fritscher is the storyteller's storyteller."
Included in this collection:
Red Button Foreskin Fever
Red Button The Adams Boys and Me!
Red Button Goatboy
Red Button Beercan Charley
Red Button Daddy's Big Shave
Red Button Beach Blanket Surf-Boy Blues
Red Button In Praise of Fuckabilly Butt
Red Button Video Casting Couch
Red Button Yound Russian River Rats
Red Button Telefuck
Red Button The Horsemaster
Red Button Firebomber: Cigar Sarge
Red Button The Lords of Leather
Red Button The Beach Boy Named Desire
Red Button Foreskin Prison Blues
Red Button How Buddy Left Me
SPECIAL FEATURE: Stories for Movie Script: J. Brian's Flashbacks
Red Button New Kid in Town
Red Button Cabbage-Patch Boys
Red Button Stand by Your Man!
Red Button Black Dude on Blond
Red Button Contestant Number Three
Red Button Wish They All Could be California Boys

ISBN: 1-890834-32-7

Copyright ©2020 by Mark Hemry, Publisher -- ALL RIGHTS RESERVED